Pages Penned in Pandemic with Calia Mayfield

Sometimes it's the simplest of moments that allow writers to feel inspired. Calia Mayfield discusses just this and more in today's chat about her pages penned in pandemic.


What does the pandemic currently look like in your city?

It's a lot of masked college students and older people telling us that we're stupid for believing in the pandemic. It is very hard in a small town.

What are some favorite books you've read during quarantine?

I reread The Picture of Dorian Gray and Oscar Wilde never fails to inspire me.

Have there been any movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc. that have helped keep you at ease the past few months?

The podcast musical “36 Questions” has been on repeat in my headphones all quarantine. It's a beautiful story of toxic relationships and what truth means. I recommend it to everyone.

How has the pandemic affected your writing?

I've had more time to sit with emotions and focus on how I want my art to sound to others. With all the introspection time, it's forced my writing to feel much more personal with detaching my own sense of self.

Are there any projects you are excited to keep working on? If so, can you give us any details (no spoilers please!) about your project?

I've been working on a series of poetry focused on movies for one of classes that I'm looking to compile soon.

If asked ten years from now what the past few months have taught you about being a writer, what would come to mind?

My writing is so heavily people driven that having to write without being to leave the house often reminded me that simple interactions like a daily snapchat can hold so much significance for some people.

Have there been any fellow writers or people in your life who have helped you stay connected during the pandemic?

My best friends really kept me going through their constant encouragement and I wouldn't be writing without them.

Are you a plotter, pantser, or somewhere in between? Has this changed during the pandemic?

I've always been a pantser. I just love when inspiration hits and just being in the moment allows me so much more freedom.

Where is your favorite place to write? Has this changed during the pandemic?

2aM in my bed. No lights. On my laptop. Honestly this is one of the few things that the pandemic hasn't taken from me.

If you curated a playlist for writing life in the pandemic, what top 5 songs would be on your list?

1.) “Achilles Come Down” by Gang of Youths

2.) “peace” by Taylor Swift

3.) “Virgo” by Victor Internet

4.) “You're Somebody Else” (Acoustic) by flora cash

5.) “I Hope Ur Doing Well” (feat. Colliding With Mars) by Savage Ga$p.

Without too many spoilers, what is your favorite scene / poem you've written since the pandemic began?

Oh mostly definitely “Arsonist Wet Dream.”

While the future is just as unknowable as ever, what is something you are most looking forward to this year?

I am looking forward to New Years. As much as I know this won't be over by then there is a cleansing feeling that comes with New Years.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Make sure you tell the people you care about you love them at least once a day.


ABOUT Calia Mayfield

Calia Mayfield was raised in the beautiful North East Georgia foothills. She studies creative writing at Piedmont College and has worked as an editor for their art and literature magazine Trillium. She spends most of her free time that isn’t filled with writing with her dog Celebrity or perusing the online astrology communities of Twitter.

To learn more, follow Calia and her writing journey on Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks for chatting, Calia!

