Pages Penned in Pandemic with Jasmin Lankford

Perhaps in our deepest grief, we feel more connected to the way nature, too, must give itself over to the passage of time. Jasmin Lankford's poem, "Ocean and Orca," explores just this, and is now available to read in the print collective! Until then, I'm excited to chat about Jasmin's pages penned in pandemic.


What are some favorite books you've read during quarantine?

Unearth [The Flowers] by Thea Matthews and Diving into the Wreck by Adrienne Rich.

Have there been any movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc. that have helped keep you at ease the past few months?

I have been escaping into Disney movies, “Bob's Burgers,” “Spongebob,” and “Sister, Sister.”

How has the pandemic affected your writing?

It has been so difficult to write during the pandemic. I have pieces of poems and draft ideas, but I've been struggling to finish anything. Also, my writing is usually quite sad. So I decided not to put too much pressure on myself since this year has felt like one moment of sadness after the next.

Are there any projects you are excited to keep working on? If so, can you give us any details (no spoilers please!) about your project?

I'm excited about my debut poetry collection, "Don't Forget to Water the Flowers." It was supposed to come out in January 2021, but due to the pandemic the date was pushed. I'm so grateful to have more time with it.

Have there been any fellow writers or people in your life who have helped you stay connected during the pandemic?

The Kitchen Table Literary Arts community has helped me stay connected to writers in Florida and around the country. I'm so grateful for the sacred space they provide for Black women and women of color writers.

Are you a plotter, pantser, or somewhere in between? Has this changed during the pandemic?

I'm usually a plotter. But the pandemic has shifted me into a pantser because this year has been so unpredictable.

Where is your favorite place to write? Has this changed during the pandemic?

I love writing at the beach! But for the majority of the year, it really hasn't been safe to go and spend the whole day there. During the pandemic, I created a cozy space on my patio to write and get some fresh air.

If you curated a playlist for writing life in the pandemic, what top 5 songs would be on your list?

I typically write in silence, but here are songs I listen to before or after writing:

1.) “Ungodly Hour” by Chloe x Halle Bigger

2.) “Beyoncé pov” by Ariana Grande

3.) “Good Morning” by Natalie Lauren

4.) “Closer” by Goapele

Without too many spoilers, what is your favorite scene you've written since the pandemic began?

I'm in love with a scene I wrote about Paris. I'm excited to step away from poetry for a bit and focus on creative nonfiction.

While the future is just as unknowable as ever, what is something you are most looking forward to this year?

This year I am looking forward to the latest issue of L'Éphémère Review. It is my dream journal and I'm so honored to have two poems coming out soon!

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ABOUT Jasmin Lankford

Jasmin Lankford’s debut poetry collection, Don’t Forget to Water the Flowers, is forthcoming from Vital Narrative Press. Her work has been published in several journals including Kissing Dynamite, Parentheses Journal, and elsewhere.

To learn more, follow Jasmin and her writing journey at her website and on Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks for chatting, Jasmin!

