ashleigh weaver

Pages Penned in Pandemic with Ashleigh Weaver

For many, the way to fill the days during the pandemic consisted of finding comfort in writing. Ashleigh Weaver discusses just this and more in today's chat about her pages penned in pandemic.


What does the pandemic currently look like in your city?

Maskless people lined up at the crosswalk waving their Trump signs in my face, claiming that it's all a hoax. Six feet apart means nothing to them when they approach me to say how they love my shirt. (a picture of a Shih Tzu that says "I Shih Tzu not.) Locked away inside because I'm too scared to go to the Dollar Store. Finally convinced to go, with all protection in mind, and there's trucks with confederate flags driving by. They always give me a dirty look.

What are some favorite books you've read during quarantine?

I buy many books to fill the void but read none of them.

If you haven't been reading, what are some books you're most looking forward to reading?

Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee, The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict, and all of the books I bought that judge me every day for not reading them.

Have there been any movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc. that have helped keep you at ease the past few months?

Romance movies that I would never have watched such as “My Best Friend's Wedding,” as well as “Emily in Paris.”

How has the pandemic affected your writing?

I've actually written more because of the pandemic, since it is now plainly obvious that writing helps me in more ways than I imagined.

Are there any projects you are excited to keep working on? If so, can you give us any details (no spoilers please!) about your project?

I'm currently writing a story inspired by Taylor Swift's “The Last Great American Dynasty.”

If asked ten years from now what the past few months have taught you about being a writer, what would come to mind?

Finish the story. You have so many in your bones, waiting to be put on paper. Write them before you regret it.

Have there been any fellow writers or people in your life who have helped you stay connected during the pandemic?

Unfortunately not.

Is there anything that excites you about the changes being incited in the publishing world in light of recent events?

Of course, the publishing world needs to open their horizons.

Is there anything that worries you about the changes being incited in the publishing world in light of recent events?

Not really.

Are you a plotter, pantser, or somewhere in between? Has this changed during the pandemic?

I was always a plotter but I have turned into a plantser—a combination of a plotter and pantser. In fact, I write an outline then a chapter. When I reach the end, I write the outline further. I like to live life on the edge.

Where is your favorite place to write? Has this changed during the pandemic?

With two kids, I don't have an office or a desk, so I write on the couch with my laptop.

If you curated a playlist for writing life in the pandemic, what top 5 songs would be on your list?

The entire Taylor Swift folklore album and nothing else because I am doing my best to distract myself.

Without too many spoilers, what is your favorite scene you've written since the pandemic began?

I can't say that I enjoy anything that I write. I'm a perfectionist and if I think too hard about my writing, I over-analyze and fall into a spiral of self-loathing. So, literally ANYTHING that I have written in the pandemic (because I didn't write for a good 7 years!!) is a victory for me.

While the future is just as unknowable as ever, what is something you are most looking forward to this year?

My husband and I wanted to visit somewhere so I could see snow for the first time. I've lived in my home state of Florida my entire life, and have led a very sheltered life. (not by choice.) I don't think we will be able to go, but that was our hope for the year.

Is there any advice you would give to young writers during this time?

Write what you love, what you are passionate about. And keep writing.

ABOUT ashleigh weaver


Ashleigh Weaver believes in the darkness in the world, the shadow that stands at the end of your bed and watches as you struggle to sleep. She believes in these things because she has lived a life full of turmoil. Despite wanting to see the bright side of things, she knows that the darkness is always there—lurking. She has won several underground short story and poetry contests. When she's not taking care of her children as a stay at home mother of two, you can find Ashleigh weaving (see what she did there?) words and creating little worlds of her own. She is a writer of young adult fiction and poetry.

To learn more, follow Ashleigh and her writing journey on Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks for chatting, Ashleigh!

