thea schiller

Pages Penned in Pandemic with Thea Schiller

Throughout these many months, many have found solace in hobbies, whether it be art or time in nature with family, music or writing, it doesn't much matter. Thea Schiller discusses using this time in seclusion to engage with other worlds, and today I'm excited to chat further about the pages penned penned in pandemic.

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What does the pandemic currently look like in your city?

People are cautious; most wear masks. Some people eat in outside restaurants; I still isolate.

What are some favorite books you've read during quarantine?

Invisible City by Julia DahL, Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella, A Window Across the River by Brian Morton, and Mrs. Bridges by Evan S. Connell.

Have there been any movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc. that have helped keep you at ease the past few months?

TV show from New Zealand, 800 Words.

How has the pandemic affected your writing?

Writing more....lots of poetry, and also writing a mystery.

If asked ten years from now what the past few months have taught you about being a writer, what would come to mind?

Thank goodness I am a writer because all the time I am forced to spend in isolation without it, would be not only treacherous but more painful. At least I can utilize my mind and productively engage in other worlds to keep me happy and still engaged in life.

Have there been any fellow writers or people in your life who have helped you stay connected during the pandemic?

I have many friends who are writers; I belong to 3 writing groups plus I have been facilitating a poetry writing group at the Somers Library for the past 6 years, and now we are continuing on Zoom.

Is there anything that excites you about the changes being incited in the publishing world in light of recent events?

I am happy to see that self-publishing is expanding as a recognized form of publishing. In 2016 I self-published my poetry book, Blue Morning River: A poetry collection that is on Amazon and has sold some copies.

Is there anything that worries you about the changes being incited in the publishing world in light of recent events?

There is a difficulty in getting someone to read your novel if you are an unknown writer.

Are you a plotter, pantser, or somewhere in between? Has this changed during the pandemic?

I used to definitely be a "pantser" but now with the pandemic, and especially since I am writing a mystery, I am also thinking about the plot points and what I should include in chapters which will be the seeds of something that will appear in much later chapters.

Where is your favorite place to write? Has this changed during the pandemic?

I write on my Macbook Pro in my kitchen!

If you curated a playlist for writing life in the pandemic, what top 5 songs would be on your list?

1.) "You've Got a Friend" by Carol King

2.) "Diamonds and Rust" by Joan Baez

3.) Chopin's nocturnes

4.) Beethoven's 5th

5.) "Good Job" by Alicia Keys

Without too many spoilers, what is your favorite poem you've written since the pandemic began?


While the future is just as unknowable as ever, what is something you are most looking forward to this year?

A viable vaccine.

Is there any advice you would give to young writers during this time?

Keep on, write every day, and don't get discouraged by rejections.

ABOUT thea schiller


Thea Schiller, a New York poet and psychotherapist. She facilitates a poetry workshop at the Somers library in Somers, N.Y. and practices psychotherapy in CT. She holds a B.A. in creative writing from The City University of New York, and an MS in counseling from Western CT State University. Her poem, “Sarah,” was the Orchard Poetry Prize winner in Furrow, University of Wisconsin. Recently, she has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and her poems have appeared in The San Diego Annual Poetry Review 2017-2018, Edify Fiction, The Ravens Perch, 4th & Sycamore, Hevria, Lucent Dreaming, and The Tenth Muse, as well as many small literary journals in the past. When given the chance, she follows her muse from Norway to Greece.

Thanks for chatting, Thea!

